Home User Trials
Studies carried out under controlled conditions are very valuable but it is equally important to evaluate products in everyday use over a period of times perceived by potential consumers.
Joyce Ryan Consultancy has built up a panel base of reliable assessors representing a cross section of demographic sectors.
Alternatively we can use our team of professional interviewers to recruit a panel to more specific criteria and where appropriate offer larger more detailed studies.
Home user trials offer:
- A faster, cost effective alternative to more traditional market surveys
- A preview of consumer opinion
- Unbiased assessment of performance through “blind” testing
- Detection of small differences in consumer perception of performance
- A “safety net” for products initially assessed by small in-house panels
You can be assured of:
- Short lead times on panels selected from our database
- Rapid selection of volunteers from our data base
- At least 95% response rate to minimize the need for over sampling
- Timely delivery of top line data with statistical analysis and final report
- Reliable interpretation of results based on statistical analysis
- Traceability back to individual volunteers
- Protocols are available for multiple placements, double placement and single placement